
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Bjerka电厂 is located in the Leirskar Valley in Hemnes Municipality in Nordland County.

  • 1972
  • 20 MW
  • 142.6、妇女

The power plant uses Lake Store Målvatn as a reservoir.

The water in the upper part of the Bjerka watercourse is transferred to Rana power plant. So Bjerka电厂 makes use of the residual water flow and a total height of fall of 371 metres. A license was granted in 1968 to dam up to contour 430, but until 1998 only a portion of this was used.

Bjerka电厂. (图片来源:Bjørn Grane)

The generating unit operates at an extremely high speed (1,000 rpm) and is equipped with a Francis turbine.

Penstock at Bjerka电厂
Penstock at Bjerka电厂.


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